Theatre location

Zinc Arts, Great Stony, High Street, Chipping Ongar CM5 0AD

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Average drive time from Chingford Mount to Zinc Arts is 30 minutes (+10 minutes if avoiding motorway).

Parking is available onsite at the theatre. If the car park is full, it is possible to park in surrounding residential streets.
Disabled parking bays are available at the theatre.

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The nearest tube station is Epping (Central Line), which is 8 miles from Zinc Arts and has good bus connections and a taxi office.

The local area

If you are travelling to Ongar, and intend on staying in the area whilst your child is at a rehearsal or one of the shows, there are plenty of things to do nearby.

Epping Ongar Railway -

The Potty Painting Studio -

Krazy Kids Cafe -


The above businesses are not affiliated to the dance school in any way. They may have limited opening times and may require advance booking.